Lilypie 2nd Birthday PicLilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker Life in the Herman House: October 2011

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Sweet's Ultimate Surrender

Yesterday I lost a friend that I only knew for a few short years on this earth... And really, I have only spent moments in time actually with her, talking to her, learning from her. But her adoration, trust and love for Jesus - through her words, kindness and ultimately her example in life - taught me more about God's love than any person on this earth has. I have spent hours reading her blog - and consequently - spent hours thinking about my relationship with God because of her. Because of her willingness to be so open and honest about living with cancer, her fears and worries - but ultimately her trust in our Father to take care of us at the end of the day. Thank you Sharon for teaching me about God's love - in a way that I have never thought about Him, and helping me to grow my love for Jesus through watching you. You lived your life in a way that makes Jesus proud and I am so blessed and thankful to have had you in my life for this short time.

You will be missed here on this earth... and I look forward to the day where I get to see you and know you even better.
For those of you who would love to get a glimpse of Sharon's amazing Godliness, her trust through breast cancer and the way she stood firm in her faith when faced with the diagnosis of breast cancer... I cannot think of a better teacher - other than Jesus himself ;)

Love you Sharon!


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